Thursday, March 4, 2010

a story to tell your kids

It's funny how the smallest things can change your entire day and you can stumble upon something you'll remember the rest of your life so spontaneously.

Today I was grumbling around Wawa putting together my coffee and generally probably thinking about how my hair was staticky or like how I wish I had put on hand lotion that morning when I felt someone staring at me. I ignored the feeling and continued putting in my creamer when I looked up and smiled at the person who I felt needed some attention and it turned out to be a teenage worker who had Down Syndrome. He looks me in the eye and says to me confidently:

"Hi. You look beautiful today."

I thanked him and walked away with a swelling heart and a smile that would last most of the day.

It was one of those things that happened at the exact moment when I needed to come back to earth and stop wallowing in my own crap. Others have it worse than us and there are people in the world like that sweet boy who can bring us down from the clouds and set us straight. Words almost fail me on how to explain the depth this kid touched me with a few simple words and the kind of confidence that trumps any loser frat boy who comes up to me on a Friday night.

I am not a religious person by any means but I feel like this situation was such a smack to the back of the head. Like, let's move on and forget about all the current and past bullshit that can fog up the important things.

After I left Wawa I wound up noticing and laughing at everything - like a Boxer sitting in the driver's seat of a car looking like he was going for a spin and a cute little boy running away from his Mom at Costco. No, I'm not going to be Mary fucking Poppins but I can at least try and notice these things a little more to remember it's not all bad.

There's a lot of good out there too if you look... or if you run into sweet boys at the convenience store.

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