Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So, unfortunately, my feet suck.

Tis the season for the awesome sandals I seem to to not be bashful about owning (even if they crawl halfway up my thigh muahaha) and hot open toe-heels and I'm suddenly paralyzed to wear them because my feet *seem* to look like something out of a horror film. I just bought these beautiful sandals and due to the nature of my hooves I pause in displaying them to the world.

After 25 years of shoving them into shoes that were way too narrow for me, my toes have finally rebelled and given me the finger. My mother pointed out to me that my baby toe is now...CONE SHAPED. I repeat. I have a CONE SHAPED TOE. My feet are apparently so wide that they have been smooshed mercilessly into shoes not made for people with 67" wide feet and I am now paying the price with a deformed toe.

I have always thought that shoes were supposed to hurt but apparently I was wrong. My Flintstonesque feet have revolted and finally brought to light my need for orthotics or perhaps specially handcrafted blocks of wood that will satiate the width of my hooves.

Just so I make this post positive: I have a really great smile.


  1. WOW! You are a brave woman for dealing with foot pain for so long! I could never justify pain for fashion, but I also have to wear comfy shoes because of my back issues. Luckily comfy shoes are starting to become more fashionable these days. :)

  2. ha, I find justification for everything. Always! What kind of shoes do you wear? I'd love to see them!
