Saturday, April 10, 2010

today was a fairytale (you got a smile that takes me to another planet)

A male acquaintance asked me the other day if I'd been writing. He didn't necessarily mean my blog but also my surely terrible Great American Novel that I've been working on for five years or random freelance articles. When I replied "no" he looked at me perplexed and said "So you aren't inspired?"


Why yes, I've been inspired to jump off local bridges or even eat an entire tub of Tollhouse Cookie Dough. And oh yes! I have been writing! My brother's goddamn eulogy!

I really am not mad that those questions were asked - it just got me thinking about how no one can ever know your life experience. Some people really really really get to live happy, pain-free and oblivious lives forever and always. They know nothing above worrying if they'll be able to go on vacation this year. And they look at your pain and experience it from as far away as possible because they've never had to look at any of those things up close and would rather not. And they're able to walk away from it never ever thinking that it could happen to them.

Life turns so quickly and everyone thinks they are immune to it. We always hear songs and see movies about it but think it's a myth. Why don't we believe that slogan but can believe all the ones about prince charming sweeping us off our feet?

What about the happy couple whose child is born with autism? What about the rich teenager who wraps his brand new car around a pole and winds up paralyzed? What about the dead college kid with alcohol poisoning? What about the father who dies in Iraq or the mother who goes to tuck her kid into bed and he's missing?

Tragedy is not always a disease and knows no bounds. It does not just target the poor, sad, overweight, or unattractive.

You know the news channel you refuse to watch anymore because 'it's too depressing'? Well guess what? It's all real. Those things are really happening to someone somewhere.

I do not wish bad things for anyone ever. I hope you are never directly involved in your own personal hell.

All I wish is for understanding that life is not about the surface bullshit many seem to think it is. That maybe instead of spending 3 hours shopping for the perfect spring handbag - spend it helping a friend who may be down on their luck. Perhaps tell the people in your life that you love them a little more. If you are one of the lucky ones who haven't been touched by bad luck - get this - you won't catch it!

It isn't herpes. Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. So, so true and so well said. You have a gift for stripping away the BS and revealing the truth. Love you, girl. *hugs*
