Wednesday, May 12, 2010

geography 101

I do not know how I got through school/life not knowing the things I don't know. Like, honestly. I graduated with honors in high school and cum laude in college and yet CANNOT TELL YOU ON WHAT CONTINENT EGYPT LIES.

I do not believe I have ever, not once, taken a geography class. I blame the south on their poor educational system and also my charm and ability to dodge responsibility.

I am going on a trip to the Middle East in a little over a month and I am pretty stoked. Mostly, I am excited to sweatily blog about it and share with you whatever self awakening and inspiration finds me. I am going to go in search of nothing and no one and with no expectations. Hopefully this means I'll come home with something and someone and completely renewed. Which defeats the whole purpose of no expectations anyway. But I never learned how not to have expectations! Damn you Guilford County Schools!

All joking aside, I never planned to do this trip nor have I ever had any interest in traveling anywhere that didn't have a five-star hotel and a rocking shopping area. But I surprised myself one morning and woke up knowing I had to go on this trip. I don't have any answers as to why other than I felt compelled to do things outside my comfort zone that might even cause me some anxiety. What's the worse that can happen? I die? And since my little brother already did that I'm pretty sure God doesn't suck that bad.

I bought my first pair of shorts in probably ten years today in preparation of my departure. I am even debating purchasing those little cotton numbers in a million colors that we wore in high school and rolled down super short to look like hussies.

But THIS time since I am going to be in a possible sensitive area of the world, I won't roll em' down like a slut. Just in case you were wondering.

I digress. I hope to find that there are other pieces of me in the world. I've been out of the country countless times but only in search of a good vacation instead of a meaningful journey. I hope this means my eyes and my heart can stay open with only the intent of knowledge and insight. And hopefully in finding other pieces of me in the world, I can heal the pieces of me that have been with me always.


  1. i can't wait to read about your journey!~

  2. I'm sure you will have an amazing trip! PS: You can't wear those cotton shorts UNLESS you roll them down like a slut... :)
