Sunday, May 2, 2010

exploding ovaries

Oprah said something cool the other day on one of her shows (I don't make it a habit to watch Oprah or anything but whatever, don't judge me.)

She said something along the lines of:

"People spend so much time trying to live the life they planned for instead of the life they actually have."

First thought: Easy for you to say, bitch.

And secondly, I thought about how true that statement was for myself especially.

I want to get married and have kids and take the dog jogging with me every morning. Presently, this is not the life I am living. I am not in a serious relationship, my ovaries probably exploded and I'd kill a dog because I work 8 hour days. So tell me, Oprah, do I just work really hard at a career and forget that these are the things I want? Do I plan a life around what I have because the things I want are not my *present*? Clue me in because I understand but can't comprehend how living the life you have gets you what you want.

At 25 I am in the middle of absolutely EVERYTHING. I am sort of a kid but sort of an adult. I'm not thaaaaat old but I'm still not thaaaaat young. When can "living the life you have" become "whoops, you didn't try hard enough!"

So many fine lines. So many cliches. I don't know which one to pick. I just know Oprah is a bazillionaire and I ate crackers for dinner.


  1. Embrace the present, but take baby steps toward the future you want. I was SO THERE when I turned 25... and just after I turned 26, I met James... the rest is history. I went on some crappy dates in between, but I also started just having fun and accepting myself and my life as it was. Force yourself to be grateful, too. (I learned that from Oprah!) It sounds totally crazy sometimes, but it works.

  2. Rachel, I think you are teetering on the verge of adulthood so everything you are feeling is so valid! What Oprah doesn't understand is there is a process that we all have to go through to get to where we want; you can't buy it on Ebay or Craig's List. So keep doing what you are doing and keep your priorities straight and the rest will happen ((((((())))))
