Thursday, February 25, 2010

he was a s8er boi

So yeah, I've been 25 for a few days now. It was a whirlwind weekend with some of the best people I will ever know. Thank you for those of you who made an effort to make me feel loved. Because of you I didn't think about throwing myself off a bridge even once. Instead I drank heavily, cuddled and reminisced. Much better option and probably less messy.

I had to go to the godforsaken phone store for my THIRD phone in two weeks. Since when is it ok to sell phones that are defective over and over again? I'm a pretty calm girl (contrary to the rantings of my blog ha) and when the man behind the counter started with "the phone's price went up" I didn't even let him finish before a huge "I DON'T CARE" came belching out of my mouth. I believe the look in my eye told him I was not the white girl to mess with tonight. Do you possibly hit a certain age where you lose a little bit of your filter and become positively impatient with everything? Maybe it's just that I don't have the patience for slow moving ineptitude. Like if you're going to be inept then please do it faster. Please? I don't know how I lived in the south for as long as I did -maybe that's where I learned to drive like a maniac?

I thought I should note that I listed to an Avril Lavigne song last night and instead of switching the channel....I TURNED THAT SHIT UP. /lame

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